Guarantor Loans

You can borrow between 100% and 110% of a property's value

Are you eager to enter the property market but struggling to meet the stringent lending requirements? At FinanceBetter, we understand that obtaining a home loan can be challenging, especially for first-time buyers or those with limited savings. That's where guarantor loans come in. With a guarantor loan, you can turn your property dreams into reality, even without a substantial deposit.

What are Guarantor Loans?

Guarantor loans are a type of home loan that allows you to secure financing with the help of a guarantor. A guarantor is usually a close family member, such as a parent or sibling, who uses their own property or assets as security for your loan. This additional security gives lenders confidence and enables you to access higher loan amounts or better loan terms.

Why Choose Guarantor Loans?

  1. Access to Higher Loan Amounts: With a guarantor loan, you can potentially borrow a higher percentage of the property's value. This means you can enter the property market sooner and purchase a property that may have been out of reach otherwise.
  2. No Deposit or Low Deposit Options: Guarantor loans allow you to secure a home loan with little or no deposit. This is particularly beneficial for first-time buyers who may not have had enough time to save a significant deposit.
  3. Avoid Lenders Mortgage Insurance (LMI): One of the significant advantages of guarantor loans is the ability to avoid Lenders Mortgage Insurance (LMI). LMI is typically required when borrowing more than 80% of the property's value, but with a guarantor, you may be able to bypass this additional cost.
  4. Improved Loan Terms: Having a guarantor on your loan can enhance your loan terms, including lower interest rates, reduced fees, and more favorable repayment options. This can save you money over the life of the loan and make your repayments more manageable.
  5. Build Your Financial Profile: By successfully managing a guarantor loan, you have the opportunity to build a strong credit history and demonstrate your ability to meet mortgage repayments. This can improve your financial standing for future loan applications and increase your borrowing power.

How FinanceBetter Can Help You?

  1. Tailored Solutions: Our experienced team of mortgage brokers understands that every investment journey is unique. We work closely with you to understand your financial goals, risk tolerance, and investment strategy, creating customized loan solutions that align with your needs.
  2. Access to Lenders: We have established relationships with a wide network of lenders, including major banks, specialist lenders, and non-traditional financial institutions. This allows us to source competitive investment loan options, ensuring you have access to the best available rates and terms.
  3. Expert Guidance: Navigating the complexities of investment loans can be challenging. Our team of experts will guide you through the process, providing clarity and answering all your questions. We'll help you understand loan features, investment property selection, loan structuring, and more, empowering you to make informed decisions.
  4. Maximizing Benefits: With our deep industry knowledge, we uncover opportunities to maximize the benefits of your investment loan. From tax strategies to refinancing options, we'll help you identify ways to optimize your investment and enhance your financial outcomes.
  5. Ongoing Support: We believe in building long-term relationships with our clients. Even after securing your investment loan, we continue to provide ongoing support and advice. As your financial circumstances evolve, we can review your loan, explore refinancing opportunities, and adapt your strategy to ensure you're always on the path to success.

Ready to achieve your dream of owning a home without a deposit?

Take the first step today and explore our No Deposit Home Loans. Contact us at +61 434 440 139 to learn more and start your journey to homeownership!

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