Commercial Purchase With SMSF

If you're considering purchasing a commercial property within your self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF), Financebetter offers comprehensive guidance to help you navigate the process. We understand the importance of addressing key aspects when it comes to buying commercial property for your SMSF.

Eligibility for Purchasing Commercial Property in Your SMSF

Ensure that your super fund deed and investment strategy allow for the purchase of commercial property within your SMSF. Our team can assist you in assessing the compatibility of this investment option with your SMSF requirements.

Utilizing Commercial Property for Your Business in Your SMSF

Explore the possibilities of running your business from a commercial property owned by your SMSF. Our experts can guide you on the necessary considerations, such as adhering to commercial terms, determining market-based rents, and establishing a formal lease agreement.

Financing Options for Commercial Property in Your SMSF

Discover the potential for borrowing money through a Limited Recourse Borrowing Arrangement to finance the acquisition of a commercial property. We'll provide insights into the workings of this arrangement and ensure it aligns with your SMSF deed and investment strategy.

Transferring Personal Commercial Property to Your SMSF

Learn about the opportunities to transfer a commercial property you personally own to your SMSF. We'll guide you through the process, including considerations of market value, in specie contributions, and tax implications associated with the transfer.

For expert guidance on commercial property investments within your SMSF or any other accounting matters, contact Financebetter today. Our dedicated team is ready to provide you with specialized advice and support.

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