Credit Guide
Talking to someone who gets it really makes a difference.
Louis Velasquez, Mr.
0451 888 798 |
suite 2104/31 Lasso Road, Gregory Hills NSW, 2557, Australia
Authorised Credit Representative Number: 458232
You're in good hands.
7 out of 10* Aussies chose a broker over a banker to help with their loans. Why?
*Mortgage & Finance Association of Australia (MFAA) quarterly survey of leading mortgage brokers and aggregators July - September 2022
We work in your best interests
Brokers work for you, not the banks or share holders
Our promises. Three things you can expect from us.
Find the right deal for you
We’ll research 60+ banks and lenders to find the right loan for you
Save you time
We will do all the legwork for your application.
Keep it simple
There is no charge to you. We’re paid by the lender you choose.*
Access to 60+ banks and lenders in one place

Our responsible lending obligations
Under theNCCPAct, we are obliged to ensure that any loan or principal increase to a loan we make and any lease we enter with you is suitable to your needs and objectives. To decide this, we will need to ask you some questions in order to assess whether the loan or lease meets these requirements. The law requires us to:
- Make reasonable enquiries about your requirements and objectives
- Make reasonable enquiries about your financial situation
- Take reasonable steps to verify that financial situation
- In order for us to discharge our obligation in assessing your application for credit assistance, it is important that we have all available, accurate, current and relevant information. If you are unable for whatever reason to provide the information required to assess your personal and financial circumstances we may not being a position to make a recommendation to you.
Credit will be unsuitable if at the time of the assessment, it is likely that at the time the credit is provided:
- You could not payor only pay with substantial hardship
- The credit will not meet your requirements and objectives